Jungle Camp is an action-packed full immersion experience in the Panamanian Jungle!

Explore the jungle through iconic hikes, swim in the freshest rivers in Panama, co-create your experience through amazing jungle workshops and activities, eat from our farm-to-table kitchen, ride in and out on off-road 4x4 trucks, and stay at the coolest Panamanian jungle lodge: Selina Kalu Yala.

Jungle Camp Packages include transportation, meals, accommodations, and activities to give you the best experience the jungle has to offer over 5 nights or 7 nights.

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Package Details

Jungle Camp includes:

Off-road 4x4 roundtrip transportation from the local town of San Miguel

All meals provided through our jungle meal plan, which accommodates all dietary restrictions. Snacks will also be provided twice per day.

Lodging provided through Selina Kalu Yala

  • Dorm bunk or upgrade to a luxurious private tipi

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Activities Included

5-Night Jungle Camp includes:

  • The famous waterfall hike to Jaguar Falls: guided with packed picnic lunch

  • Guided ridge hike to either Monkey Mountain or Narnia to see the jungle from above

  • BOTH Rio Nature Hike and Swim Tours: Rio Iguana and Rio Pacora

  • Biology Night Hike with our resident field biologist

  • Four amazing tours/workshops/activities showcasing the Kalu Yala jungle lifestyle

7-Night Jungle Camp includes all activities listed above AND . . .

  • One additional guided ridge hike, so you can experience Monkey Mountain AND Narnia

  • One additional guided local hike

  • One additional jungle workshop/activity

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Hikes, Workshops, and Activities

The activity packages have been designed for maximum experience with a minimal footprint.


5-Night Jungle Camp: starting at $XXXXX per person

7-Night Jungle Camp: starting at $XXXXX per person

Prices include a XXX% discount on ALL ACTIVITIES!